55 lv.

Pobby Escort


Level: 55
Base HP: 1673
Race: plant

Passive Skills

Light Armor Type
HP Increase (1/2x)
Resist Bow Weapons
Resist Poison Attacks
Fire Attack Weak Point

Active Skills

NPC Aura Burn


Name Quantity Chances
Adena 1,812 - 3,69370%
Thread 142%
Silver Nugget 18.30%
Metallic Thread 12.08%
Compound Braid 11.38%
Thons 10.692%
Eminence Bow Shaft 10.382%
Recipe: Adamantite Necklace 10.257%
Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package(100%) 10.042%
Recipe: Kris 10.024%
Eminence Bow 10.003%


Name Quantity Chances
Thons 115%
Theca Leather Armor Pattern 19.64%
Recipe: Spiritshot B 10.900%

Special drops:

Name Quantity Chances
Herb of Life 155%
Greater Herb of Life 138%
Herb of Speed 1100%
Herb of Power 134%
Herb of Atk. Spd. 133%
Herb of Critical Attack. 133%
Herb of Mana 155%
Greater Herb of Mana 138%
Herb of Casting Spd. 150%
Herb of Magic 150%
Superior Herb of Life 17.00%
Superior Herb of Mana 17.00%
Herb of Recovery 134%
Herb of the Mystic 133%
Herb of the Warrior 133%
L2TopZone L2HopZone