62 lv.

Lost Yeti


Level: 62
Base HP: 2038
Race: giant

Passive Skills

Dagger Weak Point

Active Skills



Name Quantity Chances
Adena 2,274 - 4,60870%
Silver Arrow 10 - 3027%
Coal 119%
Varnish 118%
Cokes 13.13%
Stone of Purity 11.28%
Stockings of Doom Pattern 10.504%
Blue Wolf Stockings Pattern 10.457%
Blue Wolf Tunic Fabric 10.364%
Tunic of Doom Pattern 10.364%
Mold Lubricant 10.361%
Recipe: Spiritshot A 10.048%
Recipe: Wizard's Tear (100%) 10.015%
Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 64 10.009%
Blue Wolf Stockings 10.004%
Blue Wolf Tunic 10.004%
Stockings of Doom 10.004%
Tunic of Doom 10.004%


Name Quantity Chances
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone 195%
Necklace of Black Ore Beads 112%
Recipe: Soulshot: A-Grade 11.03%

Special drops:

Name Quantity Chances
Herb of Life 155%
Greater Herb of Life 138%
Herb of Speed 1100%
Herb of Power 134%
Herb of Atk. Spd. 133%
Herb of Critical Attack. 133%
Herb of Mana 155%
Greater Herb of Mana 138%
Herb of Casting Spd. 150%
Herb of Magic 150%
Superior Herb of Life 17.00%
Superior Herb of Mana 17.00%
Herb of Recovery 134%
Herb of the Mystic 133%
Herb of the Warrior 133%
L2TopZone L2HopZone