Branch of The Mother Tree Head

Branch of The Mother Tree Head

An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Branch of The Mother Tree. It can be sold at a regular store.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Fafurion's Herald Lokness (70 lv. Raid Boss) 70 55 - 160 9.69%
Icicle Emperor Bumbalump (74 lv. Raid Boss) 74 19 - 53 31%
Immortal Savior Mardil (71 lv. Raid Boss) 71 3 - 7 72%
Messenger Invader Warrior (80 lv. *) 80 1 1.18%
Lavasillisk (80 lv. *) 80 1 1.01%
Ashuras (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.823%
Assassin of Empire (80 lv.) 80 1 0.778%
Ashuras (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.772%
Assassin of Empire (80 lv.) 80 1 0.772%
Tepra Scarab (79 lv. *) 79 1 0.769%
Offering Bug (79 lv.) 79 1 0.636%
Ketra Orc Grand Seer (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.619%
Ornithomimus (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.576%
Ornithomimus (80 lv.) 80 1 0.475%
Ornithomimus (80 lv.) 80 1 0.446%
Ketra Orc Lieutenant (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.444%
Grazing Windsus (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.425%
Grazing Kookaburra (79 lv. *) 79 1 0.403%
Triol's High Priest (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.403%
Silent Brother (80 lv.) 80 1 0.350%
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (80 lv.) 80 1 0.048%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Ashkenas (80 lv. *) 80 1 16%
Ashkenas (80 lv.) 80 1 16%
Scarlet Stakato Walker (78 lv. *) 78 1 10%
Assassin Beetle (80 lv. *) 80 1 9.80%
Offering Bug (79 lv.) 79 1 8.61%
L2TopZone L2HopZone