Two-Handed Sword Edge

Two-Handed Sword Edge

A key material that Dwarves use to make the Two-handed Sword. Can be sold in any shop.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Tirak (Raid Boss) 28 3 - 9 57%
Zombie Lord Crowl (Raid Boss) 25 3 - 9 57%
Zombie Lord Crowl (Lord of Destruction) 25 3 - 9 57%
Granitick Duerga (Kaneus) 36 1 - 4 89%
Lith Overlord 36 1 1.31%
Gigant Officer 36 1 1.31%
Ol Mahum Lord 34 1 0.897%
Bandit Warrior 36 1 0.596%
Ol Mahum Van Leader 34 1 0.519%
Ghost of a Morek Chief 33 1 0.498%
Ghost of a Morek Chief 33 1 0.498%
Cave Ant Larva 36 1 0.401%
Tasaba Lizardman 36 1 0.345%
Hatu Brown Bear 34 1 0.279%
Tasaba Lizardman 36 1 0.234%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Otherworldly Invader Discipline 33 1 - 2 83%
Cave Ant Larva 36 1 - 2 77%
Ghost of a Morek Chief 33 1 - 2 77%
Otherworldly Invader Elite Soldier 35 1 - 2 59%
Bandit Warrior 36 1 - 2 21%
Lienrik 39 1 - 2 21%
Lienrik 39 1 - 2 21%
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