Sealed Tallum Helm Design

Sealed Tallum Helm Design

An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a sealed Tallum Helm. It can be sold at a regular store.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Gorgolos (Raid Boss) 64 14 - 42 25%
Ancient Drake (Raid Boss) 60 14 - 42 25%
Ancient Drake (Lord of Destruction) 60 14 - 42 25%
Abyss Brukunt (Raid Boss) 59 14 - 42 25%
Cannibalistic Stakato Follower 74 1 6.49%
Platinum Guardian Chief 75 1 6.05%
Karik 70 1 5.98%
Platinum Guardian Shaman 73 1 5.83%
Lilim Knight Commander 72 1 4.69%
Nephilim Praetorian 72 1 4.69%
Sepulcher Preacher 77 1 4.17%
Sepulcher Guard 75 1 4.15%
Hallate's Inspector 68 1 4.11%
Warrior of Ancient Times 75 1 3.80%
Bloody Mystic 74 1 3.33%
Magus Valac 70 1 3.08%
Atrox 69 1 2.02%
Grave Scarab 73 1 1.97%
Grave Ant 74 1 1.81%
Treasure Chest 78 1 1.19%
Treasure Chest 72 1 0.995%
Death Agent 68 1 0.857%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Devil Bat 68 1 - 2 100%
Devil Bat 68 1 - 2 100%
Frenzy Stakato Drone 72 1 - 2 100%
Dark Omen Invader Martyrs 70 1 - 2 94%
Dark Omen Invader Disciple 73 1 - 2 85%
Alpine Cougar 69 1 - 2 15%
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