Sealed Moirai Stockings Piece

Sealed Moirai Stockings Piece

An essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Stockings. It can be sold at ordinary stores.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Kanadis Guide (Invading Forces) 83 4 - 12 74%
Foundry Mystic 83 1 17%
Slave of Gluttony 83 1 7.26%
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant 84 1 1.63%
Suppressor 83 1 1.56%
Tanta Lizardman Summoner 84 1 1.29%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Slave of Gluttony 83 1 - 2 100%
Foundry Mystic 83 1 - 2 100%
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant 84 1 - 2 70%
Adult Buffalo 84 1 - 2 49%
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