Sealed Moirai Helmet

Sealed Moirai Helmet

Sealed Moirai Helmet. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Zaken 83 1 5.92%
Darnels (Square) 84 1 2.56%
Dragon Scout of the Valley (Scout) 83 1 0.120%
Cosmic Priest 83 1 0.090%
Foundry Spirit Guard 83 1 0.040%
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 1 0.040%
Master's Minion 83 1 0.013%
Slave of Gluttony 83 1 0.013%
Tanta Lizardman Soldier 84 1 0.003%
Sel Mahum Squad Leader 84 1 0.002%
Beast Devourer 84 1 0.001%
Sel Mahum Recruit 83 1 0.001%
Mucrokian Savior 84 1 0.001%
L2TopZone L2HopZone