Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern

Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern

An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Eva's Guardian Millenu (58 lv. Raid Boss) 58 24 - 73 27%
Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone (67 lv. Raid Boss) 67 23 - 68 23%
Gargoyle Lord Tiphon (65 lv. Raid Boss) 65 19 - 58 27%
Seal Archangel (75 lv. *) 75 1 3.17%
Nephilim Royal Guard (75 lv.) 75 1 1.31%
Bloody Sniper (71 lv. *) 71 1 1.19%
Tomb Preacher (77 lv. *) 77 1 1.18%
Lesser Ancient Scout (74 lv. *) 74 1 1.02%
Platinum Tribe Warrior (69 lv. *) 69 1 1.01%
Female Spiked Stakato (74 lv. *) 74 1 1.01%
Crypt Guard (70 lv.) 70 1 0.885%
Binder (73 lv. *) 73 1 0.842%
Grazing Antelope (77 lv.) 77 1 0.779%
Power Angel Amon (75 lv. *) 75 1 0.765%
Bloody Keeper (74 lv.) 74 1 0.758%
Ghost of a Gatekeeper (76 lv.) 76 1 0.613%
Needle Stakato Drone (74 lv.) 74 1 0.606%
Pytan Knight (68 lv.) 68 1 0.593%
Hames Orc Sniper (72 lv.) 72 1 0.415%
Black Shadow (74 lv.) 74 1 0.332%
Lava Wyrm (70 lv. *) 70 1 0.306%
Marsh Predator (69 lv.) 69 1 0.292%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Messenger Angel (70 lv. *) 70 1 45%
Dark Omen Invader Elite Soldier (70 lv. *) 70 1 33%
Malruk Lord (68 lv. *) 68 1 21%
Hallate's Guardian (69 lv. *) 69 1 21%
Lesser Ancient Scout (74 lv. *) 74 1 21%
Nephilim Archbishop (69 lv.) 69 1 20%
Lilim Soldier (69 lv.) 69 1 18%
Purgatory Gargoyle (68 lv. *) 68 1 18%
Sepulcher Guard (70 lv.) 70 1 18%
Crypt Guard (70 lv.) 70 1 18%
Binder (73 lv. *) 73 1 17%
Platinum Tribe Archer (68 lv. *) 68 1 17%
Hot Springs Antelope (74 lv.) 74 1 16%
Bound Warrior (72 lv.) 72 1 16%
Bound Shaman (72 lv.) 72 1 16%
Power Angel Amon (75 lv. *) 75 1 16%
Bloody Mystic (74 lv.) 74 1 15%
Valac's Creature (69 lv.) 69 1 13%
Needle Stakato Drone (74 lv.) 74 1 12%
Eye of Restrainer (71 lv. *) 71 1 12%
Pytan Knight (68 lv.) 68 1 12%
Conjurer Bat (70 lv.) 70 1 9.61%
Conjurer Bat Lord (72 lv. *) 72 1 9.13%
Vampire Wizard (73 lv.) 73 1 8.02%
Vampire Wizard (73 lv.) 73 1 7.82%
Cannibalistic Stakato Follower (74 lv. *) 74 1 7.50%
Spiked Stakato (72 lv. *) 72 1 7.50%
Hames Orc Scout (68 lv.) 68 1 6.93%
Dark Guard (70 lv. *) 70 1 6.23%
Alpen Cougar (69 lv.) 69 1 5.95%
Judge of Marsh (65 lv. *) 65 1 5.28%
Treasure Chest (Open me!) 69 1 4.92%
Treasure Chest (Don't Open!) 69 1 4.91%
Bloody Lord (68 lv. *) 68 1 4.52%
Death Blade (68 lv.) 68 1 3.87%
Antelope (68 lv.) 68 1 3.69%
Antelope (68 lv.) 68 1 3.69%
Antelope (68 lv.) 68 1 3.69%
Antelope (68 lv.) 68 1 2.60%
L2TopZone L2HopZone