Leather Boots Lining

Leather Boots Lining

A key material that Dwarves use to make Leather Boots. Can be sold in any shop.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Turek Orc Footman 26 1 9.05%
Lesser Basilisk 27 1 5.13%
Giant Mist Leech 25 1 4.62%
Treasure Chest 27 1 3.49%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Basilisk 28 1 - 2 100%
Giant Mist Leech 25 1 - 2 100%
Catacomb Serpent 28 1 - 2 100%
Grim Grizzly 26 1 - 2 100%
Vault Seer 27 1 - 2 100%
Dead Pit Spartoi 26 1 - 2 100%
Giant Crimson Ant 28 1 - 2 100%
Turek Orc Sentinel 25 1 - 2 100%
Ol Mahum Raider 27 1 - 2 90%
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