

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Partisan Leader Talakin (28 lv. Raid Boss) 28 3 - 9 8.50%
Soul Scavenger (25 lv. Raid Boss) 25 3 - 9 3.87%
Otherworldly Invader Soldier (35 lv. *) 35 1 0.159%
Scout of the Plains (36 lv.) 36 1 0.079%
Puncher (34 lv. *) 34 1 0.057%
Wyrm (35 lv. *) 35 1 0.054%
Ant Recruit (33 lv.) 33 1 0.043%
Treasure Chest (Don't Open!) 33 1 0.039%
L2TopZone L2HopZone