Blue Wolf Gloves Fabric

Blue Wolf Gloves Fabric

Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to make Blue Wolf Gloves. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
The 3rd Underwater Guardian (60 lv. Raid Boss) 60 49 - 143 37%
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (65 lv. *) 65 1 5.42%
Alpen Kookaburra (65 lv. *) 65 1 2.57%
Blader of Despair (62 lv. *) 62 1 2.46%
Slaughter Bathin (63 lv. *) 63 1 2.22%
Bone Maker (66 lv. *) 66 1 1.61%
Resurrected Guard (66 lv.) 66 1 1.50%
Doom Knight (65 lv. *) 65 1 1.45%
Resurrected Guard (66 lv. *) 66 1 1.42%
Doom Archer (62 lv. *) 62 1 1.24%
Alpen Kookaburra (65 lv.) 65 1 1.23%
Trampled Man (65 lv.) 65 1 1.05%
Trampled Man (65 lv.) 65 1 1.05%
Bloody Knight (65 lv.) 65 1 0.982%
Trives (63 lv.) 63 1 0.962%
Treasure Chest (Don't Open!) 63 1 0.794%
Alpen Buffalo (67 lv.) 67 1 0.495%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (65 lv. *) 65 2 100%
Alpen Kookaburra (65 lv. *) 65 1 70%
Forbidden Path Invader Disciple (63 lv.) 63 1 63%
Splinter Stakato Walker (67 lv.) 67 1 31%
L2TopZone L2HopZone