66 lv.

Nihil Invader


Level: 66
Base HP: 2244
Race: undead

Passive Skills

Dark Attack
HP Increase (1/2x)
Resist Bow Weapons
Blunt Weapon Weak Point
Sacred Attack Weak Point

Active Skills

NPC Strike


Name Quantity Chances
Adena 2,475 - 5,02270%
Mithril Arrow 10 - 3028%
Charcoal 123%
Suede 115%
Scroll of Escape: Castle 19.05%
Doom Shield Fragment 11.36%
Blue Wolf Helmet Design 11.14%
Doom Helmet Pattern 11.14%
Adamantite Nugget 10.905%
Mold Lubricant 10.452%
Mold Hardener 10.197%
Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package(100%) 10.030%
Doom Shield 10.007%
Blue Wolf Helmet 10.005%
Doom Helmet 10.005%


Name Quantity Chances
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone 126%
Adamantite Nugget 125%
Earring of Black Ore Piece 122%

Special drops:

Name Quantity Chances
Herb of Life 155%
Greater Herb of Life 138%
Herb of Speed 1100%
Herb of Power 134%
Herb of Atk. Spd. 133%
Herb of Critical Attack. 133%
Herb of Mana 155%
Greater Herb of Mana 138%
Herb of Casting Spd. 150%
Herb of Magic 150%
Superior Herb of Life 17.00%
Superior Herb of Mana 17.00%
Herb of Recovery 134%
Herb of the Mystic 133%
Herb of the Warrior 133%
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