63 lv.

Forbidden Path Invader Disciple


Level: 63
Base HP: 2090
Race: undead

Passive Skills

Dark Attack
HP Increase (3x)
Blunt Weapon Weak Point
Sacred Attack Weak Point

Active Skills



Name Quantity Chances
Adena 5,676 - 11,49370%
Coal 143%
Silver Arrow 27 - 8231%
Varnish 1 - 414%
Cokes 17.24%
Stone of Purity 12.89%
Sword of Damascus Blade 10.907%
Mold Lubricant 10.869%
Blade of the Wizard's Tear 10.336%
Guardian Sword Blade 10.288%
Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 64 10.058%
Recipe: Blood Tornado(60%) 10.024%
Guardian Sword 10.003%
Sword of Damascus 10.003%
Wizard's Tear 10.003%


Name Quantity Chances
Blue Wolf Gloves Fabric 163%
Doom Gloves Part 163%
Recipe: Carnage Bow(60%) 10.767%
L2TopZone L2HopZone