White Tunic Pattern

White Tunic Pattern

A key material that Dwarves use to make a White Tunic. Can be sold in any shop.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Tracker Leader Sharuk (23 lv. Raid Boss) 23 111 - 330 4.86%
Turek Orc Shaman (29 lv.) 29 1 1.32%
Lakin Undine (30 lv.) 30 1 1.29%
Bandit Watchman (32 lv.) 32 1 0.804%
Strain (31 lv.) 31 1 0.781%
Watchman of the Plains (30 lv. *) 30 1 0.757%
Whispering Wind (30 lv.) 30 1 0.742%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Otherworldly Invader Soldier (30 lv. *) 30 1 27%
Turek Orc Warlord (30 lv. *) 30 1 23%
Magical Eye (31 lv. *) 31 1 13%
Ghost of a Loyal Vassal (31 lv.) 31 1 2.06%
L2TopZone L2HopZone