Sealed Shield of Nightmare

Sealed Shield of Nightmare

Sealed Shield of Nightmare. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Scarlet van Halisha (90 lv.) 90 1 - 3 44%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 1 - 3 40%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 1 - 3 40%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 1 - 3 40%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 1 - 3 40%
Flame of Splendor Barakiel (70 lv. Raid Boss) 70 1 19%
Korim (70 lv. Raid Boss) 70 1 5.18%
Doom Blade Tanatos (72 lv. Raid Boss) 72 1 5.18%
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.032%
Ashuras of Destruction (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.030%
Ustralith (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.027%
Silent Seeker (80 lv.) 80 1 0.026%
Triol's Layperson (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.026%
Ritual Sacrifice (80 lv.) 80 1 0.026%
Forgotten Victim (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.026%
Ustralith (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.021%
Lilim Court Knight (80 lv.) 80 1 0.020%
Nephilim Commander (80 lv.) 80 1 0.020%
Imperial Royal Guard (80 lv.) 80 1 0.018%
Imperial Royal Guard (80 lv.) 80 1 0.017%
Varka Silenos Seer (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.015%
Messenger Invader Disciple (80 lv.) 80 1 0.014%
Ketra Orc Battalion Commander (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.012%
Treasure Chest (Don't Open!) 84 1 0.005%
L2TopZone L2HopZone