Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings

Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings

Sealed Dynasty Leather Legging. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Hekaton Prime (Raid Boss) 83 1 2.50%
Last Titan Utenus (Raid Boss) 83 1 1.24%
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier 82 1 0.045%
Cannibalistic Stakato Follower 82 1 0.015%
Invader Disciple of Nightmare 81 1 0.015%
Contaminated Batur Commander 82 1 0.010%
Leogul (Scout) 81 1 0.004%
Ragna Orc Hero (Spirit Infested) 82 1 0.003%
Grave Robber Warrior (Lunatic) 82 1 0.003%
Grave Robber Warrior 81 1 0.002%
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