Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor

Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor

Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Antharas 84 1 - 3 25%
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone (Raid Boss) 67 1 6.86%
Gargoyle Lord Tiphon (Raid Boss) 65 1 6.86%
Eva's Guardian Millenu (Raid Boss) 58 1 6.86%
Rhianna the Traitor (Forsaken Prisoner) 75 1 1.61%
All-Seeing Rango (Forsaken Inmate) 73 1 1.61%
Seal Archangel 75 1 0.069%
Zealot of Infinity 77 1 0.051%
Female Spiked Stakato 74 1 0.034%
Bloody Sniper 71 1 0.026%
Nephilim Royal Guard 75 1 0.024%
Platinum Tribe Warrior 69 1 0.022%
Tomb Preacher 77 1 0.021%
Lesser Ancient Scout 74 1 0.019%
Binder 73 1 0.018%
Power Angel Amon 75 1 0.017%
Bloody Keeper 74 1 0.017%
Crypt Guard 70 1 0.016%
Pytan Knight 68 1 0.013%
L2TopZone L2HopZone