Magic Haste Potion

Magic Haste Potion

Casting Spd. is raised.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Catacomb Shadow 34 1 3.52%
Salamander Noble 19 1 2.99%
Talakin Archer 28 1 2.91%
Kerope Werewolf Chief 23 1 2.85%
Gigant Slave 21 1 2.81%
Horror Mist Ripper 27 1 2.62%
Catacomb Scavenger Bat 31 1 2.60%
Amber Basilisk 30 1 2.59%
Northern Goblin 21 1 2.52%
Gigant Footman 30 1 2.49%
Lith Medium 33 1 2.48%
Langk Lizardman Shaman 24 1 2.36%
Basilisk 28 1 1.96%
Scout of the Plains 36 1 1.94%
Prowler 17 1 1.85%
Gora Werewolf 16 1 1.79%
Baar Dre Vanul 20 1 1.63%
Silent Horror 16 1 1.49%
Wererat 16 1 1.46%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Shady Muertos Captain 17 1 100%
L2TopZone L2HopZone