Plate Gaiters

Plate Gaiters

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Stakato Queen Zyrnna (34 lv. Raid Boss) 34 1 20%
Guilotine, Warden of the Execution Grounds (35 lv. Raid Boss) 35 1 14%
Eye of Beleth (35 lv. Raid Boss) 35 1 13%
Zaken's Elite Pikeman (43 lv. *) 43 1 0.085%
Dimension Invader Archer (43 lv. *) 43 1 0.070%
Snipe Cohort (42 lv.) 42 1 0.062%
Mardian (42 lv. *) 42 1 0.046%
Taik Orc Warrior (42 lv. *) 42 1 0.032%
Tamlin Orc (41 lv.) 41 1 0.025%
L2TopZone L2HopZone