Dark Stone

Dark Stone

Dark elemental attack attribute increases by 5 when bestowed on a weapon. Holy elemental defense attribute increases by 6 when bestowed on an armor. Attribute Stones can be used up to attribute level 3. Additionally, a maximum of three types of elemental defense attribute can be bestowed, and one type of elemental attack attribute. Opposite attributes cannot be bestowed together.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Dark Shaman Varangka 82 1 - 3 30%
Chieftain's Treasure Chest 81 1 15%
Treasure Chest 84 1 8.00%
Treasure Chest 81 1 8.00%
Treasure Chest 78 1 8.00%
Mutant Warrior 84 1 5.50%
Cannibalistic Stakato Follower 82 1 5.09%
Drakos 80 1 3.60%
Knight of Destruction 78 1 2.90%
Maluk Summoner of the Valley 82 1 2.77%
Maluk Maiden of the Valley 81 1 2.77%
Palit 80 1 2.47%
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare 81 1 2.45%
Sentinel Waterspirit 83 1 1.84%
Wrathful Orc Ghost 81 1 1.32%
Immortal Necromancer (Scout) 82 1 1.26%
Mesmer Drake (Scout) 82 1 1.26%
Exploding Orc Ghost 81 1 1.16%
Pavel Safety Device 72 1 1.06%
Ragna Orc Commander (Spirit Infested) 82 1 0.913%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Mucrokian Ascetic 83 1 4.50%
L2TopZone L2HopZone