Manticore Skin Gaiters Pattern

Manticore Skin Gaiters Pattern

A key material that Dwarves use to make Manticor Skin Gaiters. Can be sold in any shop.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Lost Captain 29 216 - 648 8.91%
Giant Wasteland Basilisk (Raid Boss) 30 24 - 72 47%
Boss Akata (Raid Boss) 30 24 - 72 47%
Elf Renoa (Raid Boss) 29 24 - 72 47%
Dimension Invader Elite Soldier 40 1 25%
Leto Lizardman Warrior 38 1 9.46%
Giant Fungus 40 1 5.64%
Bandit Inspector 37 1 5.38%
Noble Ant 37 1 4.03%
Dimension Invader Elite Soldier 40 1 2.79%
Lienrik 39 1 2.41%
Lienrik 39 1 2.41%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Taik Orc 40 1 - 2 100%
Leto Lizardman Soldier 37 1 - 2 100%
Vagabond of the Ruins 40 1 - 2 100%
L2TopZone L2HopZone