Icarus Hand Piece

Icarus Hand Piece

An essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Hand. It can be sold to public stores.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Hekaton Prime (Raid Boss) 83 1 - 3 99%
Kanadis Herald (Invading Forces) 85 1 100%
Mutant Overlord 84 1 1.42%
Slave of Sloth 83 1 0.686%
Failed Experimental Timetwister Golem 83 1 0.514%
Full Grown Buffalo 84 1 0.489%
Sel Mahum Soldier 84 1 0.087%
Tanta Lizardman Scout 82 1 0.086%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Emerald Drake 82 1 - 2 100%
Mutant Guide 84 1 - 2 93%
Full Grown Buffalo 84 1 - 2 66%
Dust Dragon Tracker (Tracker) 84 1 - 2 65%
Drakos Hunter 83 1 - 2 40%
Drakos Guardian 84 1 - 2 37%
Slave of Sloth 83 1 - 2 37%
Failed Experimental Timetwister Golem 83 1 - 2 28%
Drakos 80 1 - 2 23%
Mucrokian Preacher 84 1 - 2 12%
Wrathful Orc Ghost 81 1 - 2 9.88%
Tanta Lizardman Scout 82 1 - 2 2.61%
Sel Mahum Soldier 84 1 - 2 1.98%
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