Icarus Heavy Arms Piece

Icarus Heavy Arms Piece

An essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make Icarus Heavy Arms. It can be sold to public stores.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Aenkinel (Invader of Dream) 84 2 - 6 36%
Foundry Foreman 83 1 2.15%
Master's Minion 83 1 1.24%
Slave of Lust 83 1 0.686%
Mutant Assassin 84 1 0.495%
Mucrokian Ascetic 83 1 0.098%
Tanta Lizardman Warrior 83 1 0.076%
Sel Mahum Soldier 84 1 0.040%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Mutant Guide 84 1 - 2 93%
Master's Minion 83 1 - 2 89%
Foundry Foreman 83 1 - 2 87%
Slave of Lust 83 1 - 2 49%
Mucrokian Preacher 84 1 - 2 12%
Full Grown Kookaburra 83 1 - 2 10%
Slave of Greed 83 1 - 2 8.95%
Tanta Lizardman Warrior 83 1 - 2 2.98%
Sel Mahum Soldier 84 1 - 2 1.55%
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