Stockings of Doom

Stockings of Doom

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Venomous Storace (Kaneus) 63 1 - 2 3.78%
Lord Ishka (Raid Boss) 60 1 6.15%
Lord Ishka (Lord of Destruction) 60 1 6.15%
Fairy Queen Timiniel (Raid Boss) 61 1 3.78%
Anakazel (Invaders' Leader) 58 1 3.78%
Platinum Tribe Soldier 67 1 0.035%
Lilim Knight 63 1 0.029%
Nephilim Centurion 63 1 0.029%
Tomb Sage 67 1 0.027%
Lesser Giant Soldier 62 1 0.025%
Lesser Giant Scout 63 1 0.022%
Mul's Knight 67 1 0.021%
Bathin's Knight 62 1 0.020%
Crendion 62 1 0.020%
Lesser Giant Mage 64 1 0.016%
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