High-Grade Life Stone: level 76

High-Grade Life Stone: level 76

A high-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 76 and above.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Scarlet van Halisha (90 lv.) 90 6 - 11 36%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 6 - 8 76%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 6 - 8 76%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 6 - 8 76%
Antharas (79 lv.) 79 6 - 8 76%
Queen Shyeed (80 lv. Raid Boss) 80 2 - 4 26%
Triol's Believer (80 lv. *) 80 3 0.004%
Monastic Pilgrim (80 lv.) 80 2 0.003%
Mercenary of Destruction (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.035%
Messenger Invader Warrior (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.028%
Monastic Crusader (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.014%
Lesser Ancient Warrior (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.010%
Resurrected Temple Knight (80 lv. *) 80 1 0.007%
Lilim Court Knight (80 lv.) 80 1 0.007%
Lilim Great Mystic (78 lv.) 78 1 0.006%
Guardian Spirit of Ancient Holy Ground (79 lv. *) 79 1 0.005%
Lesser Ancient Shaman (76 lv. *) 76 1 0.004%
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