Dynasty Mace Piece

Dynasty Mace Piece

A key material that Dwarves use to make Dynasty Mace. Can be sold in any shop.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Giant Marpanak (Raid Boss) 82 1 35%
Lesser Giant Scout 82 1 0.969%
Spiked Stakato Baby 82 1 0.392%
Spiked Stakato Worker 82 1 0.351%
Spiked Stakato Shaman 83 1 0.347%
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare 81 1 0.282%
Nihil Invader Assassin 82 1 0.273%
Palit 80 1 0.104%
Ragna Orc Sniper (Spirit Infested) 82 1 0.071%
Phantoms of the Mine 81 1 0.067%
Ornithomimus 80 1 0.032%
Ornithomimus 80 1 0.032%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Nihil Invader Elite Soldier 82 1 - 2 100%
Lesser Giant Elder 82 1 - 2 100%
Spiked Stakato Baby 82 1 - 2 100%
Turka Follower's Ghost 82 1 - 2 72%
Nihil Invader Soldier 82 1 - 2 68%
Spiked Stakato Worker 82 1 - 2 43%
Spiked Stakato Shaman 83 1 - 2 42%
Contaminated Batur Warrior 81 1 - 2 28%
Phantoms of the Mine 81 1 - 2 8.20%
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