Dynasty Crusher Fragment

Dynasty Crusher Fragment

For Dwarves only. Item needed for construction of Dynasty Crusher.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Giant Marpanak (Raid Boss) 82 2 - 4 12%
Lesser Giant Scout 82 1 1.00%
Spiked Stakato Baby 82 1 0.406%
Spiked Stakato Worker 82 1 0.363%
Spiked Stakato Shaman 83 1 0.360%
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare 81 1 0.292%
Nihil Invader Assassin 82 1 0.283%
Palit 80 1 0.108%
Ragna Orc Sniper (Spirit Infested) 82 1 0.074%
Phantoms of the Mine 81 1 0.070%
Ornithomimus 80 1 0.033%
Ornithomimus 80 1 0.033%
L2TopZone L2HopZone