Blue Diamond Necklace Gem

Blue Diamond Necklace Gem

A key material that Dwarves use to make the Blue Diamond Necklace. Can be sold in any shop.

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Young Araneid 23 1 3.86%
Zombie Warrior 22 1 3.78%
Bloody Bee 23 1 3.75%
Mandragora Sapling 23 1 3.51%
Kerope Werewolf Chief 23 1 3.51%
Mandragora Sprout 21 1 3.11%
Giant Araneid 24 1 1.70%

Spoilable from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Ol Mahum Supplier 23 2 - 4 100%
Varangka's Guard 22 2 - 4 100%
Underground Werewolf 23 2 - 4 100%
Mandragora Sapling 23 2 - 4 100%
Catacomb Barbed Bat 23 2 - 4 100%
Langk Lizardman Lieutenant 22 2 - 4 100%
Ruin Imp Elder 21 2 - 4 100%
Ol Mahum Patrol 21 2 - 4 100%
Zombie Warrior 22 2 - 4 100%
Northern Goblin 21 2 - 4 100%
Hallowed Seer 22 2 - 4 100%
Nightmare Weaver 21 2 - 4 100%
Ghost Guardian 21 2 - 4 100%
Akaste Succubus Tilfo 22 2 - 4 100%
Ol Mahum Ranger 22 2 - 4 100%
Ol Mahum Reserve 23 2 - 4 100%
Giant Poison Bee 21 2 - 4 100%
Underground Kobold 24 2 - 4 100%
Enku Orc Champion 21 2 - 4 100%
Maille Lizardman Scout 22 2 - 4 100%
Mandragora Sprout 21 2 - 4 100%
Hobgoblin 21 2 - 4 98%
Lith Scout 21 2 - 4 98%
Gigant Slave 21 2 - 4 98%
Langk Lizardman Shaman 24 2 - 4 71%
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