Avadon Gaiters

Avadon Gaiters

Drop from:

Name Level Quantity Chances
Paniel the Unicorn (54 lv. Raid Boss) 54 1 8.44%
Gigantic Chaos Golem (52 lv. Raid Boss) 52 1 6.30%
Harit Hero Tamash (55 lv. Raid Boss) 55 1 5.07%
Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun (50 lv. Raid Boss) 50 1 4.20%
Deadman Ereve (51 lv. Raid Boss) 51 1 1.84%
Ghost Knight Kabed (55 lv. Raid Boss) 55 1 1.73%
Nephilim Bishop (60 lv.) 60 1 0.010%
Lilim Priest (60 lv.) 60 1 0.009%
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (60 lv.) 60 1 0.009%
Purgatory Serpent (56 lv. *) 56 1 0.008%
Ghost of the Tower (60 lv. *) 60 1 0.007%
Lost Iron Golem (58 lv.) 58 1 0.006%
Flash of Splendor (61 lv. *) 61 1 0.004%
Doom Servant (60 lv. *) 60 1 0.003%
Frost Iron Golem (59 lv. *) 59 1 0.003%
Forbidden Path Invader Food (60 lv.) 60 1 0.003%
Cave Maiden (59 lv. *) 59 1 0.003%
L2TopZone L2HopZone